BiostimulantsPlant biostimulants contain substance(s) and/or micro-organisms whose function when applied to plants or the rhizosphere is to stimulate natural processes to enhance and benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality. Many biostimulants products have been available for years but the research-based biostimulants market has recently emerged. Farmers, investors, regulators, consumers, scientists and other industries are still learning about biostimulants and their role in sustainable agriculture.Biostimulants are designed to help farmers meet growing agricultural demand sustainably. Biostimulants improve crop yield and quality, which increases farm profitability. Biostimulants also improve the uptake and efficient use of fertilizers. This helps farmers optimize their investments with the added benefit of reducing environmental impacts.
Agricultural biostimulants include diverse formulations of compounds, substances and micro-organisms that are applied to plants or soils to improve crop vigor, yields, quality and tolerance of abiotic stress.
Biostimulants help plant growth and development from seed
germination to plant maturity in a number of ways,