Whether you are a commercial grower
looking to expand or a flower
and plant enthusiast who
would like to bring your summer
garden indoors – The Root
in Brookfield, Illinois can help!
Wheatgrass Juicing
is chockfull of chlorophyll, vitamins, amino acids,
minerals and enzymes. Many people use wheatgrass juice to
boost the immune system, improve energy or as a
detoxifier. For the human digestive system to be able to
access the nutrients, wheatgrass must be juiced or
otherwise broken down.
Juicing with a Juicer
Ingredients: Wheatgrass
Equipment: Use a juicer with masticating
blade, not centrifugal, Like Lexen, Omega, or The Healthy
Juicer and a measuring cup.
Put the grass in the juicer, in small
Juice 1 or 2 oz of juice (or however much
you see fit for your personal nutrition)
Drink it within 15 minutes of the
(Add fresh mint to the juice to settle any
mild stomach disruption)
Juicing Without a Juicer
Step One:
Buy or grow wheatgrass. Wheatgrass can be grown in soil or
hydroponically from red or white wheat berries, also
called wheat seeds. You can also find trays of fresh
wheatgrass for sale in the produce department of some
natural food stores.
Step Two:
Harvest wheatgrass just before blending for maximum
freshness. Cut the wheatgrass stalks with a sharp pair of
scissors just above the soil, or just above the root
system of hydroponic wheatgrass.
Step Three:
Place the wheatgrass stalks in the canister of the blender
and add an equal amount of water. You may also use more
water for a milder, more palatable beverage.
Step Four:
Blend on high for at least 60 seconds or until the
wheatgrass is completely pulverized.
Step Five:
Strain out the wheatgrass pulp by pouring the wheatgrass
and water mix through a few sheets of cheesecloth. Discard
or compost the pulp.
Step Six:
Consume the wheatgrass juice immediately. Wheatgrass juice
is often added to fruit smoothies or juice blends.