Whether you are a commercial grower
looking to expand or a flower
and plant enthusiast who
would like to bring your summer
garden indoors – The Root
in Brookfield, Illinois can help!
Organic Fruits
are commonly divided into two categories, tree fruit and
small fruit. Some examples of small fruits are
strawberries and blueberries, while tree fruit are
typically apples, peaches, and pears. There are a few good
reasons to grow your own fruit in your home garden or as
part of your edible landscape. You can harvest the fruit
at their peak and you can grow the ones you enjoy the
most. There is no better tasting fruit than one grown
fresh and harvested to your liking. Another benefit is
having the ability of growing a variety of different
fruits that can produce a crop from spring to fall,
starting with strawberries in the spring and ending with
apples in the fall.
The Taste Says it All
growing fruits, most plants need their flowers pollinated.
There are two types of pollination, self-pollination and
cross-pollination. Self-pollination is when the flowers on
a plant are dusted with their own pollen, and
cross-pollination is when a plants flower needs to be
pollinated by another cultivar. Apples, like McIntosh for
example, need to be planted nearby to supply the pollen
needed to produce fruit.
Tree fruits, like apples and peaches for example, can be a
challenge to grow in the home garden because they are
susceptible to pests that need to be controlled. With a
little care you can control these problems with organic
methods that won't need the use of a toxic chemical that
can harm you and the environment.
Fruits grown in the home garden are a crop that can be
grown by natural organic methods, and can be grown without
the use of toxic chemicals being sprayed on them like
commercial growers use. This allows you to grow a
healthier fruit for both you and the environment.