Whether you are a commercial grower
looking to expand or a flower
and plant enthusiast who
would like to bring your summer
garden indoors – The Root
in Brookfield, Illinois can help!
Organic Soil
you garden in traditional tilled garden beds, raised
planting beds, or in containers, soil is the most
important part of your garden. Good, healthy, organic soil
is the key to robust plant growth and bountiful
production. We carry everything you need to create an
ideal growing environment for your organic garden, both in
our retail store as well as our online store.
It's All About The Soil
Organic Soils and Planting Mixes:
We maintain a large stock of potting and garden planting
mixes for all organic growing. Our potting soil is our top
selling product, and is ideal for creating raised garden
beds and container gardening. For even more control of
soil nutrients, choose one of our specialty potting soils
for specific uses. You will find a complete stock of
potting soils in our retail store and our online store.
Build Your Own Soil:
We have a wide selection of organic soil additives and
amendments to help you create an ideal soil mixture of
your own or to correct soil deficiencies in your garden
beds. From our Premium Organic Soil Amendments to
Vermiculite and Perlite to loosen heavy soils, you will
find the exact products you need for your particular
situation at our retail store and online store.
Test Your Soil:
We carry a complete line of soil testing products to help
you manage your soils chemistry and provide the very best
environment for your organic gardening. Our easy to use
kits allow you to test the pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium content in your soil. We offer the tools you
need to keep your garden at its peak performance.
Composting Tools and Supplies:
Composting is the organic gardeners way to return powerful
organic nutrients to garden soil through recycling of
organic waste materials from the kitchen and garden. We
offer the most advanced composting systems and also stock
compost activators and everything else you need to create
great compost for your garden.
Specialty Soil Products:
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to organic soil,
that's why we offer a wide range of special soil products
to suit special needs. From special planting mixtures of
commercial-grade blend of fir bark, Canadian Sphagnum peat
moss, perlite, pumice and lime for orchid growers, to
additives and amendments to suit specific situations. We
have all your organic gardening needs covered, both at our
retail store and our online store.