Whether you are a commercial grower
looking to expand or a flower
and plant enthusiast who
would like to bring your summer
garden indoors – The Root
in Brookfield, Illinois can help!
Nutrient Feed Schedules
your plants by using the proper feeding schedules is as
important, if not more important, as using the proper
nutrients. Following a good nutrient regime and keeping it
simple will go a long way to ensure adequate uptake of all
the essential nutrients. It is advisable not to use too
many formulations as it may be very difficult to trace the
exact cause of the problem if there are many additives and
supplements in the nutrient mix.
Following a good nutrient regime and keeping it simple
will go a long way to ensure adequate uptake of all the
essential nutrients. It is advisable not to use too many
formulations, as it may be very difficult to trace the
exact cause of the problem if there are many additives and
supplements in the nutrient mix.
The right nutrients are essential to an effective
hydroponic garden. Take a little time to check out your
options and see what is likely to be right for your needs.
You might be surprised what a change in nutrient solutions
could do! By coming in to our retail store or calling us,
we can go over all the options when it comes to nutrients
and what might work best for your gardening needs.