About Wheatgrass
this information is quoted from the books below which we
strongly recommend. They are also filled with heartening
stories of recoveries from serious illness and
improvements in physical endurance. There is a lot of
material on the Net about wheatgrass for you to
investigate. This is just the beginning of what it can do
for you.
Wheatgrass juice is a complete food with no toxic side
affects. It contains all of the vitamins and most of the
minerals needed for human maintenance and well-being. It
is also a complete protein with about 30 enzymes and is
approximately 70% crude chlorophyll. It acts as a natural
appetite suppressant so usually adding wheatgrass juice to
your diet will cause you to balance your weight at the
optimum for you. When you notice what you put into your
system every day you will realize that we are
experimenting on ourselves in a way that has never before
been imagined. The chemical additives, sugar, salt and
empty calories of our typical diet are cheating our bodies
of real nourishment. They also keep it busy removing
things they can't recognize as food instead of building
strength and vitality.
"Food's magic is based on thousands of complex
interactions of dozens of different phytochemicals which
are difficult to recreate in pills. While 190 solid
studies prove the fruit-and-vegetable benefit, supplements
have only a smattering of evidence" --- Dr. John Potter
PhD, of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WADr. G.H.
Earp Thomas, scientific researcher, considers Wheatgrass
chlorophyll "the richest nutritional liquid known to man."
Our vitamin pills with their components extracted or
created in the laboratory are often not assimilated well
by the body. Our bodies just don't recognize them. The
vitamins and minerals present in wheatgrass juice are
recognized by the body as food. Ann Wigmore, who was the
first person to investigate and promote wheatgrass juice
in the USA and started the Hippocrates Institute, includes
evidence in her books of the blood cleansing and building
abilities of chlorophyll, its effect on the circulatory
system and oxygen supply, and its role in detoxifying and
regenerating the liver. She thought that deficiency and
toxemia are the causes of all disease. By eating the
modern American diet of mostly cooked, highly processed,
nutritionally empty food we cause our bodies to become
clogged, like pouring sugar in your car's gas tank. By
cleansing the body with wheatgrass juice you give it more
opportunity to heal itself. Drugs may take away symptoms,
but at some cost to the body, while cleansing our systems
will actually allow the body to heal itself from disease.
Life and health and the workings of the body are still
mostly a mystery to us. I think the twenty five years of
experience watching people come into her clinic and get
well on wheatgrass gave Ann Wigmore validity.
The scientific method demands facts and double-blind
repeatable studies which I think is an illusion. Now they
have proven - by scientific testing - that things as
intangible as a loving feeling on the part of the lab
assistant, have increased the healing power of whatever
was tested - thereby invalidating the test. People are too
complex to test in that manner and we are all different in
so many ways, from genetics to lifestyles.
The best we can do in our search for optimum health is to
follow in the steps of those who have tried and tested
something on themselves and others and succeeded.
Wheatgrass juice is a potent source of enzymes.
When you are young you have a natural inheritance of
enzyme concentration in all of your cells and friendly
bacteria in the GI tract. As you get older the high demand
for enzymes due to cooked foods, pathogenic microbes and
viruses as well as chemicals, leads to more and more
depletion. Tests have shown that a 70 year old has about
half the enzymes of the 20 year old. The cells of the
elderly have lost over 90% of the enzymes concentration as
found in infants. Aging is enzyme exhaustion. The
pancreas, which produces our digestive enzymes, becomes
less efficient as we get older due to reduced enzyme
availability. This means two things: indigestion and
reduced absorption of nutrients from food. You might eat a
balanced diet yet be lacking the enzymes to extract the
nutrients from the food, which can result in nutritional
deficiency. More than any other biochemical cause, this
deficiency results in weight gain.
People dealing with obesity are usually extremely
malnourished. Lack of enzymes and obesity are the "Bonnie
and Clyde" of weight regulation. Further, this imbalance
causes premature aging and vulnerability to most forms of
Wheatgrass is an energizer: The vitality obtained from
wheatgrass juice is remarkable.Two ounces of wheatgrass
juice is equivalent to the nutritional value of roughly 4
pounds of organic green vegetables in vitamin and mineral
content. On an empty stomach, it is assimilated into the
blood in about 20 minutes. The vitality lasts throughout
the day.
Wheatgrass is a blood builder: Both chlorophyll (as in
wheatgrass juice) and hemoglobin (red blood cells) are
molecularly similar. The only actual difference is that
the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in
hemoglobin it is iron. Chlorophyll has the ability to
break down poisonous carbon dioxide and release free
oxygen. This inhibits and reduces the action of anaerobic
bacteria (a disease-producing micro-organism). Wheatgrass
juice has been shown to build red blood cells quickly
after ingestion. It normalizes high blood pressureand
stimulates healthy tissue-cell growth.
Cleanse your body with wheatgrass: The many detergent
factors of wheatgrass juice can drain the lymph system,
carrying away many toxins from all body cells. When an
imbalance or injury exists (examples: sore tendons or
joints; degenerative disease, etc.), there is a natural
build-up of mucous in the lymph particular to that area.
This mucous is encapsulated, helping to ensure the proper
flow of lymphatic fluid. Wheatgrass juice helps to
breakdown the mucous and allow it to drain. This relieves
pressure to allow healing. Heal your body with wheatgrass:
According to Survival of the 21st Century by Victoras
Kalvinskas, "In therapeutic amounts, it will detoxify the
body by increasing the elimination of hardened mucous,
crystallized acids and solidified, decaying fecal matter.
Wheatgrass juice's high enzyme content helps dissolve
tumors. It is the fastest, surest way to eliminate
internal waste and provide an optimum nutritional
environment. Wheatgrass juice can also be used as a
poultice, wash, douche or bath, stimulating healthy new
cells and fighting infections."
Dr.Birscher, a research scientist, called chlorophyll
"concentrated sun power." He said chlorophyll increases
the function of the heart, affects the vascular system,
the uterus, the intestine and the lungs. Wheatgrass juice
can dissolve scars that are formed in the lungs from
breathing acid gasses. The effects of carbon monoxide is
minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin
production. Wheatgrass juice helps to reduce high blood
pressure as the juice helps to reduce toxins from the body
and gives the blood iron which helps circulation. It helps
overcome dandruff and stop hair from greying. Rub the
juice into the scalp, wait ten minutes, shampoo and rinse.
When held in the mouth the juice can prevent tooth decay,
relieve a sore throat, cure pyorrhea and soothe a
toothache. Douche with wheatgrass juice for vaginal
infections. Wheatgrass juice and living foods are helpful
in reducing outbreaks of psoriasis and eczema. Applied to
the skin the juice can reduce age spots and tighten skin.
It also has beneficial effects on the capillaries. It can
be used as a sterilizer for water and to clean vegetables
of toxic residue. Combined with living foods, it is great
for blood disorders of all kinds including anemia. After
an enema, wheatgrass juice implants are great for healing
and detoxifying the colon walls, as well as cleansing the
internal organs.
Wheatgrass juice is excellent in a case of constipation in
keeping the bowels open. It helps overcome aging and gives
energy to the sex hormones. Toxic metals stored in the
body - lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, and excessive
amounts of copper- can be successfully removed with small
amounts of wheatgrass juice, in increasing dosages.
Wheatgrass is one of the richest natural sources of
vitamin A and vitamin C. It is also an excellent source of
calcium iron magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium,
sulfur, cobalt, zinc, and protein. Bundles of wheatgrass
suspended in aquarium water purify and disinfect the water
and can heal sick fish.
"Why take these young grasses? Because you'll be giving
yourself a health elixir unlike anything you've ever
experienced! The effect these highly nutritious green
drinks are having on all my patients, especially my
arthritis patients, is nothing short of amazing."Julian
Whitaker, MD. editor Health and Healing Newsletter.