Whether you are a commercial grower
looking to expand or a flower
and plant enthusiast who
would like to bring your summer
garden indoors – The Root
in Brookfield, Illinois can help!
Benefits of Wheatgrass
deep green juice is abundant in vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, protein and chlorophyll. It contains every amino
acid, vitamin and mineral necessary for human nutrition,
making it one of the few actual “whole foods.”
Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich boost to your body. It's
quick, easy and you'll probably notice the difference
after a short period of time. Although about a 1oz. shot
of wheatgrass is like having the equivalent goodness or
nutrient level of 2.2 pounds of fresh leafy greens,
vegetables or fruit you can never really substitute the
benefits received from consuming a suitable amount and
variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Containing 70% chlorophyll, wheatgrass juice increases the
body’s production of red blood cells (hemoglobin). This
helps to normalize high blood pressure and stimulates
healthy tissue-cell growth. Chlorophyll also has the
ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide which
allows more absorption of oxygen into the bloodstream.
Wheatgrass juice also contains enzymes which help in the
digestion of nutrients, and abscisic acid, which is known
for its anti-tumor properties. Is it a miracle? Perhaps.
Most of the foods we eat today lack vitality. They contain
preservatives, pesticides and hormones. Foods are often
processed or overcooked, which destroys most of their
nutritional properties.
Since wheatgrass juice is raw, drinking it gives us the
vitamins, minerals and enzymes we need in one of the
freshest and most natural forms available. It is quite
simply one of the healthiest things you can put in your
The Health Benefits
~ Aids in the prevention of and fight against
infections and improves the body's ability to heal wounds.
~ Helps removes heavy metals from the body.
~ Absorbs 92 out of the known 102 minerals from the
~ Helps with skin problems such as eczema or
~ Chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps improve blood
sugar disorders.
~ Helps eliminate body odors.
~ The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds
enzymes that restore the sex hormones.
~ Helps prevent tooth decay.
~ Chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps purify the liver.
~ Arrests the growth of unfriendly bacteria.
~ Is an energizer for body and mind.
~ Great for constipation and keeping the bowels
~ Is non-allergenic.
~ Aids in the prevention and fight against cancer.
A Natural Cleanser
Every day our bodies accumulate internal waste and harmful
toxins from eating processed and chemically grown food,
breathing polluted air and drinking impure water. If we
don’t rid the body of these toxins they can cause long
term damage and disease. One of the fastest and surest
ways to cleanse our bodies of environmental pollutants is
wheatgrass juice.
Its high levels of enzymes and amino acids work like a
natural detergent to detoxify the liver, eliminate toxic
heavy metals from the blood stream, rid the body of waste
matter and help to strengthen the body’s immune system.
This allows valuable nutrients to then be distributed more
efficiently throughout the body, along with stimulating
healthy tissue cell growth.
Wheatgrass juice also has a dilating effect on the body’s
blood vessels which allows blood to flow more easily.
Basically it’s like a daily grease and oil change for your
body enabling it to operate at an optimal level in a
highly oxygenated environment.